Film Journey...
a total of 35 films of which 18 films have received prestigious awards & 4
are Children's films.
- Has won 9 National Awards (3 for National Integration).
- 18
State Awards (various categories) ·
- 8
of his films have secured Indian Panorama Entry in International Film
- ONLY director who has secured ENTRY in both Mainstream and
Indian Panorama TWICE in 1993-1994 and 1995-1996 in International Film
Festivals of India.
- Has been on the Jury 4times of the National Film
- Represented India as Jury and his films have been featured
in International Film Festivals in Manheim, Milan, Iran, Chicago, Armenia and
Karlovy Vary ·
- He has made a host of short & documentary films for
Films Division, Government of India and the State Govt.
- TV
Serials for Doordarshan since its inception.
Tele serial Shasraphan written by former Prime Minister
P.V. Narasimha Rao
Indo-Mauritius co-production Stone Boy
Samsmaran travalogue by Goruru Ramaswamy Iyengar
extensively shot in United States of America
Tenali Rama, Aradhana, Ganayogi Panchakshari
Bangalore Doordarshan and other Networks
variety of serials and other programmes for Doordarshan, Udaya TV, SUN TV and
Along with Film Diginataries